10/26/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS TOt~nV OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA October 26, 1972 A special meeting of the Board of ^upervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at 7:00 P.M. on October 26, 1972, at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman P.ahn presided and stated that the prime purpose of the meet- ing was the opening of the bids for the 1972 Utility Bond Issue and the accept- ance of the low bid therefor. rir. James Olson, Fiscal Consultant, reported that all bids had been tabulated and recommended that the low bid for the 1972 Utility Bond Issue was Dain, :Calman & Quail at a discount of $15,945 with coupon interest of $431,845, or a total interest cost of $447,790 thereby creating a net interest rate of 4.9288937%. NIr. Olson recommended that this bid be accepted upon receipt of a good faith check. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that Che bid of Dain, Kalman & Quail at an interest rate of 4.9288937% be, and the same hereby is, accepted subject to receipt of the bidder's good faith check. Representatives appeared on behalf of the application of Enterprise Properties, Inc. for a building permit and setbactt variance for an industrial building in the Eagan Industrial Park No, 2, East of the McKee Addition. Numerous residents appeared in opposition to the issuance of the permit and the park dedication. Mr. John Voss appeared on behalf of the Parts Board concerning the proposed park dedication adjacent to the proposed industrial building. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and seconded by Chairman.Rahn, Supervisor Uselmann abstaining, it was RESOLVED that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved and the permit ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor and granting to the applicant a 40 foot setbactc variance allowing for a 60 foot buffer zone Easterly from the East right of way line of the right of way of First Street on the land North of the proposed industrial building area and further subject to the dedication by the owners without compensation of a 2~ acre parcel for park purposes as designated by the Board and the Partc Planner lying immediately TTorth of the proposed industrial building and immediately East of the T:c:Cee Addition; further subject to the understanding that the buffer zone can be developed by the Village at the .time of development of the park in conjunction with`the owner including bicycle path and landscaping; and further subject to approval by the Village Lcigineer and the Building Inspector of the plans and specifications and site plan Lor the building. The Board recommended in the future that the buffer area be developed with a berm by the owner of the property. Representatives. of the owner of the entire parcel were present and agreed to the foregoing provisions. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman ^ahn, it was P,ESOLVED that the T~Jilderness pun Fourth Addition well site pro- perty be acquired pursuant to the Purchase Agreement presented by the Town Attorney provided that funding be available from the Sewer and Water %iainten- ance Fund. Upon motion made by Chairman P.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the P.esolution directed to the Dakota County Auditor concerning levy of real estate taxes for 1972 be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered certified to the I)alcota County Auditor. Supervisor Uselmann then moved to suspend the services of legal counsel Luther Stalland effective October 30, 1972, until the new Village Council had a chance to review his various commitments in Eagan which might be in conflict of interest; the-new Village Council could then determine the -2- future course of relationship between Luther Stalland and the Village of Eagan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rydrych, Chairman rahn abstained, and the motion was carried. Superintendent tlilliam Branch o£ the Public t~orks Department appeared and requested authorization to send sfx of his employees to the State of T•~innesota iJater School on Ploveraber oth and ::equested that the fee of $4.00 be authorized by the Board for this purpose. Upon motion made by Supervisor %ydrych and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was P.ESOLVED that °uperintendent Branch be, and he hereby is, authorized to send six Public Clorks Department employees to attend the State of Minnesota rater School and to pay the fee in the amount of $4.00 there~or. The application of P. L. Johnson Investment Company for a building permit for an industrial building to be located on a 4.5 acre parcel at 3107 Sibley Memorial Highway was next considered. The proposed industrial building is to be 290' x 1.65' and cost approximately $400,000. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Fydrych, it was RESOLVED that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to the dedication by the applicant of a SO foot easement for road right of way adja- cent to Highway ~~13 and further subject to an appropriate plat being filed, the property being suitably landscaped, and the approval of the Town Engineer of the plans and specifications. Upon ~gp,,tion made by Supervisor P.ydrych and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it raas P.ESOLVED that the Street Lighting Agreement submitted for approval by Dakota Electric Association be, and the same hereby is, duly approval for a period of five years and ordered executed. Town Engineer Robert Rosene then stated to the Board that the State Highway Department had requested that the entrance to Beau de P.ue Drive be -3- removed and also that the old driveway into the Thomas IZennealy €arm be elimin- ated and reconnected into Silver Bell Road in conjunction with Public Improve- meet Project PIo. 9~-. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor ~:ydrych, it was r.%SOLVBD that the above additions to Public Improve- ment Project No. 94~ be, and they hereby are, approved and an appropriate Change Order be issued there€or. Upon motion made and seconded, it c~~as ^.~SOLt1BD that vouchers °;~ X515 through ~k8573 and "1159 through 7,'-1161 be, and they hereby are, approved as presented and ordered issued in payment of the bills as presented. Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. llated: Qctober 2b, 1972 ~ ~ ~~.T~rl~~-~-. -4-