07/11/1972 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF P.EGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISOI?.3 TCt~?N OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, P~iITJNESOTA July 11, 1972. A regular meeting of the $oard of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on July 11, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. at the Eagan Town Hall, Those present were Chairman Rahn and Supervisor Uselmann. Supervisor Pydrych was absent, After the Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Ttahn announced a moment of silence for r;r. Thomas Diffley was passed away on Monday, July lfl, 1972. He had been a member of the Eagan Advisory Planning Committee continuously since it was organized in 1959. " The Chairman then convened the hearing relating to assessments covering Improvement Project ido. 64 consisting of sanitary sewer and water improvements. After the assessments were explained and questions crere asked from affected property owners, Vice Chairman Uselmann closed the hearing. There were no objections to the assessments. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Kahn, it was RESOLVED that the assessment tall be adopted and be cer- tified to the County Auditor. Vice Chairman Uselmann next convened tke heeripg concerning special assessments relating to Improvement Project No. ~~ relating to trunk, water and sanitary sewer improvements in several sections of the Town. Objections were raised to the assessment from affected property owners generally in respect to the fact that the proposed improvements did not benefit certain of the single family residential property proposed to be assessed. After considerable dis- cussion the hearing was closed. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P~ahn, it was P.ESOLV$D that the assessment roll be adapted as presented and that it be certified to the County Auditor. It was noted that property owners could present specific objections in writing to the Assessment Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was P.ESOLVED that the minutes of the June 20, 1972, Board meeting be approved oJith the exception that on Page 7 in relation to the John O'Toole park acquisition property, that the Board intends to proceed to acquire the parcel in Lot 9, Iiighview Acres, as guict:ly as possible. Upon further motion duly made and seconded, it was P.ESOL~IED that the minutes of the special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of June 27, 1972, be approved with the exception that on Page 3, Paragraph 3, the bids in relation to Project No. 65A be received and opened on July 31, 1972, at 3:00 P.M. rather than on August 31, 1972, at x:00 P,M. Mr. Martin Des I,auriers appeared on behalf of the Police Department and indicated that the developers of the Cedarvale Shopping Center would install traffic signs as requested. Nr. Des Lauriers also requested a resolution of the Board of Super- visors recommending that the cost of boarding prisoners at the County Jail be paid out of county funds. He indicated that there appeared to be an error in the County Courts Act of 1971 leaving out this cost under the Act. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that such a resolution be prepared and forwarded to the Daltota County Board of Commissioners, indicating that the Eagan Board recommends such a procedure. Iir. Bill Schultz appeared on behalx of the Fire Department and pre- rented the bids that had been received and opened for the fire alarm system at 3:00 P.M. on July 7, 1972. He indicated that Hillcrest Safety Equipment Company's bid in the amount of $13,040 was the low bid according to the schedule of bids attached to these minutes. He further -requested that the Board authorize -2- up to $1,500 for a transmitter. The Board indicated that it informally agreed ~~ith the award of the low bid and the request of up to $1,500 for a transmitter. The Board indicated that it informally agreed with the award of the low bid and the request of up to $1,500 for a transmitter and that the final acaard would be granted on July 10. The Utility llepartment and Park Committee had no formal business. A sign application was submitted on behalf of Land Planning & En;ineering Corporation for a double sided sign 5' 6" x 4' 9" for ti~.'escott Square on Yankee Doodle P~oad. Upon motion by Chairman r:ahn, it was P,ESOLVED that the public hearing concerning the application or Carl Lindstrand and Orrin :Znutson to rezone property in the NEB of the Stl'~ of ^ection 36 on the yiest side of Dodd P.oad from A, Agricultural, to R-1, F,esidential, be scheduled for August 2, 1972, at 3:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. The application of the -~epartment of the Army, Corps of Engineers, for a building permit, special use permit and variances for bulk mail handling and distribution center near the Southwest corner of Lone Oak P,oad and Le:>ing+:on Avenue was continued because the Planning Committee had not made a formal recommendation. Tyr. Arnold Carlson appeared on behalf of his applic ation for approval of. a preliminary site plan area for sewer line placement in the SZ of the NGT4 of Section 27. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. It was noted that the layout would correspond Keith the sanitary sewer being installed during 1972. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the application be approved. r~1r. llan Gustafson appeared on behalf of the application of Gold Medallion Corporation for preliminary plat approval for Surrey Heights Second and Third Additions. It was noted the Plann~n~ Committee recommended that in -3- light of the fact that L-here had been a public hearing concerning the preliminary plat covering the ~~rhole 4'urrey Heights area that it recommended no curther public hearing for the preliminary plats. It was further noted that the p::oposal was in accordance generally with the original plan. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Pahn, it was L:E~:OLVED that the application be approved provided that all aspects of the applicable ordinances be complied ~-pith. The northern ;7iates Poc~~er Company-Town of Eagan agreement for electri- cal service for municipal water pumping was presented and upon motion by Super- visor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Pahn, it was r.ESOLVED that the contract be approved and that it be ordered executed by the appropriate officials. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Pahn, it was P,ESOLVED that the low bid of T~orthern Contracting Company covering Project 93A consisting of Oak Chase Addition and Timber:shores Third and Fourth /additions ~-pater, sanitary sewer and storm sewer in the sum of $57,366.55 be, and it hereby is, acaarded pursuant to the list of bids attached to these minutes. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman Pahn, it was ~.ESOLVED that the lo~~ bid of Bftuminous Construction Company in the sum of $11,250 for seal coating in the Township be, and it hereby is, awarded pursuant to the list of bids attached to these minutes. The Town Engineer recommended that as much seal coating of streets as the budget allows be accomplished during 1972. The approval of the Assessment Committee minutes of the Niay 23, 1972, Assessment Committee meeting was continued until July 13. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Pahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the public hearing concerning the application of Beure', Inc. to rezone a seven acre parcel adjacent to the U. S. T~ietro property on Highway 13 and in the St:T'~ of :action 17 from A, Agricultural, to R-6, T~ultiple Residential, -[~- ~~~as scheduled far August 1, 1972, at 8:00 P.Ii. at the Town Ball. After discussion upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Pahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the request of Dir. Thomas Diffley to allow a 90 day extension from July 1 to October 1 for the trailer permit on the D,'ary Diffley property be, and it hereby is, approved caith the understanding that it be a non-renewable permit. t-:r. Franl: Haas, 1519 I~icCarthy Road, appeared regarding hxs request fos' permit for water connection to his property from the municipal system. The Town Engineer presented a preliminary report form Improvement Project No. 6~ consist- ing of water and sewer improvements to McCarthy ;:.idle Addition as well a~ plans and specifications for the project. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Zrahn, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary report be, and it hereby is accepted; that a public hearing be scheduled for August 1, 1972, at 3:00 P.M. at the Town Hall; that th.e plans and specifications be, and they hereby are, approved; and that the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise fo~~ bids to be received and opened on July 31 at 3:00 P.P~i. at the Town Hall; and it was further authorized that bids for improvement Project DIo. 60 be consolidated with Project No. 65A for bidding purposes. I~r. P.obert E. Mills, 3240 Dodd P,oad, appeared on behalf of his appli- cation for renewal of a trailer permit. Afte_, considerable discussion and after the Board indicated its displeasure in granting trailer permits in the TocJn and upon motion by Chairman P.ahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was ESOLVED that because a trailer is used for security and business purposes by Iir. dills and with the understanding that Dir. 'dills will remove the trailer within one year, it was RESOLVED that the request for pe;csnir be approved from June 1, 1972, through Pay 31, 1973. T~4r. Arnold Carlson next appeared on behalf of his application for -5- final plat approval for i•?ilderness Tcun Third Addition. Upon iaot~ton duly made. by Chairman P•.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was :.ESOLVED that the application be, and it hereby is, approved. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman ?'ahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be authorized to prepare a letter report for a 2~: acre future well and parr site on proposed °ilderness T<un Fourth Addition was{ of Pilot I:nob P,oad with the understanding that IS;-. Carlson, the developer of the property, would contribute $4.0.00 per unit for each unit in the proposed rourth E~ddition; further that a trail easement along r?ild~rness Run ^oad would be ac- quired from NSP, Cooperative Power Association and Arnold Carlson and r'urther that the pond at the Northwest corner of the property wauld be dedicated to the Town. Barbara :'chmidt appeared on behalf of the Paris Committee requester; that approval be given to t`r. Tony %oszaic to negotiate with i•1r. i?illi`m Sell concerning the acquisition of his property near Blacichawic Lalce. Upon motion by Cupervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman r;ahn, it eras P.ESOLVED that t•~r. i osza't be authorized to negotiate for the acquisition of the property with the under- standing that I~ir. well would pay the special assessments on the land. Barbara Schmidt also suggested that an access route to the proposed O''!'oole park area from Highridge 'Perrace be acquired. It was requested that fir. John Voss revier~ the proposal and in the event that he recommended that much access be acquired that the Town Attorney be authorized to negotiate for a 20 loot access across the East line of the reed DeLosh property for access to the park land. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was rESOLVED that the application of Ablecraft Company, 3500 Dodd Poad, ?=or a sign permit on its property be approved. -6- The Tocan Cleric indicated that Dale Peterson had det~cmined that the trailer sales company on Cedar Avenue and Highway ;`ice had installed four signs on the property including t~•~o double face signs without permits branted by the Board. The C1erIc was requested to notify the owner;, of the mobile home sales company and request that an application be submitted to be heard by the Board on July 13. The request of Anna Heuer, 1520 Deerwood Drive, for a residential buil~ ing permit on her 37 acre parcel on the South side of Deerwood Drive was upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, approved provided, however, that the owner grant a 50 root half right of way on Deerwood Drive ';pest of Pilot I''nob oad on the entire 37 acre parcel. The Town C1erlt indicated that Edina Engineering which bad submitted a request for and had acquired approval of a building permit on October 5, 1971, in Sibley Terminal Industrial Park had again requested renewal of its building permit. It was noted that fees for the permit had not been paid at that time. The Board instructed the Cleric to contact Edina Engineering and request a ne~T permit application be submitted to the Board ~`or hearing on July lv. Upon motion by Chairman rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was 1:ESOLVED that the request of Dirs. George Ohman for an off sale beer license for the threshing bee on the Ohman property be approved. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman T;ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the request of Land Planning & Engineering Company for storm sewer service and street improvements on its property in '-?escott Hills Addition be, and it hereby is, accepted and referred to the ~~'oc•Jn Engineer for a feasibility report. t.fter discussion upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman i,ahn, it was T:ESOLVED that a $5.00 charge "or indoor meter reading by -7- the Utility Department be authorized when the Utility Depart~r~~nt is requested to read the meter at residence at the time that an owner is moving and where more than one trip is required to malce the reading; it was k'LTP.TdEF. FESOLVED that remote meter readers be installed at the ea}~liest possible time in the Cedar Grove additions and Highview Addition. Uponmotion duly made and seconded, it Maas ~:ESOLVED that the salary of T,orene Lee and Lorna Olson be increased each in the sum of $30.00 per month. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it coas P.ESOLVED that Change Order P1o. i concerning nroject r1o. 64 relating to installa~ tion of sanitary sewer on P.ahn road adjacent to the ,~lexa Burow property in the gum o~° $31,355 be, and it hereby is, approved. The Town Engineer next presented a preliminary report regarding Project ATo. 102 consisting of storm sewer extensions in the Cedar Grove Ido. 5 park e.ctension area a~ well as plans and specifications for the project. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary report hereby is approved and accepted and that a pubiic hearinf, be, and is, scheduled for August 1, 1972, at x:00 P.iti. at the Town Hall; that the plans and specifications be, and they hereby are, approved; and FUf'.THER P.E;OLVED that bids for the project be advertised and opened on July 31, 1972, at ~:00 P.Ni. and further that the advertisement for bids be consolidated with T';-oject Tdo. 65A. Upon motion by ..^.upervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, aad he hereby is, authorized to negotiate with a land surveyor to survey the proposed part; property to be acquired in the Caponi, PicCarthy and Kehne area. The Town Engineer next presented the plan for r3treet :improvement Project No. 97 covering a portion of Deerwood Drive and 'silver Bell goad. Upon v- motion duly made by upervi~or Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it ~•~as P.I;SOL`IED that the plans and specifications be, and they hereby are, approved and that the C1erlc be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on August 7, 1972, at 3:00 P.bi. at the Town Hall. Upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it caas P.BuOLVED that the contract covering Improvement Project No. 90 be, and it hereby •is, approved and ordered executed by Che app;°opriate Tom officials. An application from Freight Systems, 9500 Bloomington Freeway, Bloomington, I~iinnesoL-a, for a trailer coach sor office use at 3[}70 Dodd Doad Baas upon. motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman I'ahn, disapproved because of lach of specific information concerning its use and further that the Town disapproves of the use of trailers for such purposes. Upon motion by Uupervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman l:ahn, it was P,RSOL•i1ED that the bills were ordered paid according to the following schedule: t~?ar;-ants y/••799C through `C049 and ~k1091 through '~? 097. Upon motion, the muting adjourned. Dated: July 11, 1972 _ ~~F-~ %~-~-~_ r