07/18/1972 - City Council RegularT~IINUTES OIL' REGUL[~R P~ETITdG Or BJt~.i^:D Oi~ SUPEI':VISOP.S 10::TI OIL' EAGAN, DAI:OTA CCUI?TY, riiiJNESOTA July 13, 1972. A re;ular meeting of the Board or supervisors, Town of iagan, ~ai:ota County, Ili,nnesota, cias held on July la, 197?_, at 7:30 ?'.~i. at the ToVm Hall at s~hich all members were present. Chairman ?;ahn presided. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Boa-.:d were unanimously approved as presented. Police Chie" T%artin DesLauriers appeared and requested authorization to call for bids for a neap police station waon to be purchased in Gctober. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it ~•~as P.ESOLVED that the Chief of Police be, and he hereby is, authorized to advertise for bids for a new station ~~a~on for the Police ;?epartment to be purchased in October with authority to purchase same at the lowest bid. Chief Bes Lauriers also discussed stop signs at Turquoise and Icahn oad, Carnelian Lane, Turquoise ilrive, : ahn I:oad a~t Blactchawk Road and stated that in his opinion they were not necessary. sire Chief ~iilliam Schultz appeared and reported that the loca bid for a fire alarm system and transmission equipment had been received in the amount of $13,000 from Hillcrest Safety Equipment Company. Upon motion made by ^upervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor rLydi-ych, it was RESOLVED that the Fire Chief be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase the fire alarm system and transmitter equipment from the low bidder, Hillcrest Safety Equipment Company, for $13,000. There caas no Utility ;Department business.. Barbara Schmidt appeared on behalf of the Park Committee and requested t 2.a cTon- authority for the ark Committee to purchase a seeand~hand t-ra~#er for $<<,500 frog Carlson Tractor and %quipment Company in ~.osemount. Upon motion made by 3uper- visor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor ~yd~-ych, it was P.ESOLVED that the Park Committee be, and it hereby is, authorized to purchase a secondhand ~,~00-SU tras~er for the amount of $4,500 from Carlson Tractor and equipment Company at hosemount, T~innesota. Barbara Schmidt also indicated she and other members of the Park Committee had viec~ied Blackhawic Lake and the surrounding area and that they ti~ere o the opinion that a buffer zone of some sort should be created aroun~. ~4he lal:e to maintain the ecological and aesthetic qualities of the late as a public recreation area. P1o formal action was taken. Chairman Rahn then convened the public hearing regarding the applica- flop of i~ortune Enterprises, Inc. for preliminary PUD approval of various parcels or property situated in Sections 1G, 7.1 and 23-?7-?_3 totaling 4ba acres. It was noted that the matter had been before the advisory Planning Committee on T_ay 23rd and also befo;:e the Board of Supervisors on June 20, 1972. i:r. Byron ~7atschke and Carl Dale of Design Planning Eissociates appear- ed on behalf of the application and announced the ~~~ithdrac•~1 of the formal appli- cation for rezoning and the planned unit development request, and in lieu thereo requested perniission to present their proposal of general development concept. They further stated that only Parcels B and D, comprising 411 acres of land, was to be considered. Tto one appeared is opposition to the proposal of general development concept. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and seconded by Chairman Cahn, it was F.1;SOLVBD that preliminary general concept approval be ranted to the applicant provided that at the next stage of presentation to the Board, toward ultimate approval of the rezoning and development plan, it be made subject to Section 1.02 of the proposed Datcota County Planned Unit Development Ordinance and include protection 'for the Blaclchawlc Lalce area and a -2- logical transition of use from one land area 4o the adjoining land a;:ea. Chairman P~ahn neat convened the public hearing concerning the proposed vacation of Beam Lane. t1o one appeared in opposition to the proposed vacation. Upon motion made by Supervisor U~elmann and seconded by Supervisor P,dyrych, it was P.ESOLIJED Chat Beam Lane be, and it hereby is, declared vacated. Nir. Dictt Stryi;er appeared on behalf of his application for a building permit for a candy store measuring 110 feet ~c SO feet adding to it ;0 feet in length to the original application which c~~as for a building d0 feet ~~ 50 feet to accommodate an additional tenant, People's Ilatural Gas Co.,at an estimated cost of $65,000. Upon motion made by Supervisor P.ydrych and seconded by Chair- man T;ahn, it was 1;ESOLV~D that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, granted and ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor and subject to the approval of the Torn ~.nbineer as to plans and speci- fications. R1r. Hugh Thorson appeared on behalf of his application for four sign permits to be located in the trailer sales area at the intersection of ~:ighway 1~ and Cedar Avenue. It cJas noted that Pr. Thorson had not previously applied for sign .permits for the four signs crhich he had erected in violation of Sign Ordinance I3o. i6. Upon motion made by Supervisor U~elmann and seconded by Chairman Cahn, it was P.ESO?~VgD that TIr. Thorson be, and he hereby is, ordered to remove two of the signs, the other two to be permitted to remain upon the condition that he pay the appropriate fees therefor. rTr. Stan Beckstrom, contractor, appeared on behalf of the application of Ldina gngineering Company for a building permit for an industrial building to be constructed in Sibley Terminal Industrial Park. It was noted that the appli- cation had first been approved on October 5, 1971, and that the permit had not actually been issued although approval had been granted then by the Board. -3- T~.r. Bectcstrom stated that there were no chan~e~ ~'~om the original plans and th2t the estimated cost E•~as $54,000. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by wupervisor l:ydrych, it was RESOLVED that the application for bui?din4 permit be, and the same hereby is, approved and the permit ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor, sub;;ect to the approval of the Town ngineer and Buildin Inspector as to plans and specifications. Chairman Pahn next announced consideration os bids for the total insurance coverae for the Township, and the Clertc presented to the Board the various bids which had been received. Upon motion Wade by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman ~ ahn, it eras 1',ESOLVED that the award be given to the low bidder, Employers Insurance Company yr ?ausau, for the annual premium sum or $19,203,25. The Cler1; presented the minutes of iha Assessment Cammittee meeiinU for T~iay 23, 1972, and requested Board approval o~ the minutes. Upon rnotion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor I;ydrych, Chairman ;:ahn abstai.n- ing, the minutes of the Assessment Committee meeting of Tiay 2~, 1972, ~•~ere approved as presented. Chairman Kahn next requested the Board to award the contract for pail: improvements for the year 1972 and noted that Tyr. ,john Voss, the ToLm Planning Consultant, had recommended the acceptance of the low bid by Aietro i3nginee-rin; Company in the amount or $1G4,346.40. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman T:ahn, it was T'.ESOLt1TD that the contract or parts improve menu for 1972 be, and the name hereby is, a~•~arded to Tietro Enginee~~in~ Company, 10~~1 bidder, in the amount of $164,3<<6.4~5 upon the recommendation of the Torn Planning Consultant. I:r. Andy Anderson, Dakota County Fidministrator, and Colleen Toney, Chairman of the Dat;ota County Housing Authority, appeared in relation to the -4- Da:ota County Housing Authority program and presented the Board with a sample cooperation agreement for the development or lorr cost housing in the Eagan area. Upon motion made by Cupervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Pahn, it eras ESOLVED that the agreement be referred to the Town Attorney for examination and report, the matter to be placed on the t':ugust Board agenda for further con- sidera~ion. Upon motion made by Chairman I:ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it eras RESOLVED that the off-sale 3.2 beer license for Country Club Markets be, and the same hereby i~, approved for the coming year; and 1~URTHEI': RESOLVED that- the on-sale 3.2 beer license for the Pizza HuL' be, and the same hereby i^, rene~~~ed for another year. Supervisor Rydrych presented a statement regarding the point meeting of i~SC-P~1AC held on July 17, 1972, and requested that the Board either adopt the statement as a resolution or in the %o inn o~ a letter to be sent to I~AC, the Z-ietro Council and the Wit. Paul City Council. Upon motion made by Supervisor I`ydrych and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it ~-ras P.ESOLVED that the statement as prepared and submitted by :upervisor rydYych, e:ccept for the lass sentence thereof, be incorporated in a letter to be prepared by the Cleric and submitted to IiAC, the Asetro Council, the St. Paul City Council,, hIr. Borgelt and '?es Lane. Chairman P,ahn stated that Dr. Al Hauser had offered his services as a member of the Hospital Connnittee if the Board wished to appoint him. Upon motion made by Supervisor P~ydrych and seconded by Chairman I'.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that Dr. Al Hauser be, and he hereby is, appointed a member of the Hospital Committee to serve at the pleasure of the Board. TIr. Tom :,ooney appeared on behalf of Tony Caponi with regard to the purchase of a portion of the Caponi property xo:: pa r1: purposes and requested than the agreement by the Board as to fencing bet~-reen the Caponi property and -5- the portion of that property io be acquired fog pa;:[: purposes be seated in the deed running from Caponi to the Town. It waa pointed out to T-ir. i:~ooney that the Doad had already adopted an appropriate resolution to the effect that a fence ~~rould be erected at such time as the par[: land would be developed and improved. i~~r. I:ooney nonetheless requested that an additional mention in the resolution be made of the fact that the fence would be r~laintained once it was installed by the To4m. Upon raoti,on made by +3upervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Cahn. it was RESOLVED that the former resolution of the Eoard indicating that the Tocm t~~ould erect a fence between the Caponi property retained and that deeded ~o the Tocrn for par[c purposes be clarified to the extent that the fence would not only be erected at the time or improving the part; land but would also thereafter be maintained by the To~~~n. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by ^upervi~or ~ydiych, it was P~E~GLVED that the Chairman and Cler[c be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute a contract 'or seal coating with Bituminous Construction Company for the amount of $11,250 in the form presented. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman ''.ahn, it was RESOLVED that the contract with clorthern Coni:racting Company for sewer and t~~ater laterals to serve ss^imbershores Third and t~ourth Additions and sewer lateral to serve Oa1c Chase Addition be, and the same hereby is, approved as pre- vented in the sum of $57,~2~s.55; and FUP~THER P.E30LVED that the Chairman and Clerk be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute said contract in the form as presented. Upon motion made and seconded, it was P.EuOLVED that all bills as pre- rented be, and they hereby are, approved and ordered paid by the Cleri: pursuant to `~~arrants i~v^052 through ~l'C0~3 and ~r1090 through ir1104. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Gated: July 13, 1972 _ ~ ~ ~/~- -u-