09/05/1972 - City Council RegularriIP1UTES OF P.EGULAP. TWEETING OF BOAP.D OI= SUPT:,RVISORS TOtIN OF I'sAGAIJ, DAKOTA COUAITY, T•IIP]TIESOTA September 5, 1972 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Datcota County, Minnesota, was held on September 5, 1972, at the Town Hall at 7:30 P.M, at c•~hich all members mere present. Chairman P~ahn presided. Upon motion made by Supervisor U~elmann and seconded by Supervisor Itydrych, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previcus Board meetings held on August 15th and August 23rd respectively be, and they hereby are, duly approved as presented. Police Chief rlartin DesLauriers appeared on behalf of Police Depart- ment business and requested authority to hire r:r. Bob O'Brien as a part time police officer. Upon motion made by Chairman %ahn and seconded by Supervisor ydrych, it caas RESOLVED that Chief DesLauriers be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to hire Tyr. Bob O'Brien as a part time police officer. Chief DesLauriers next presented a petition from i;agan residents requesting a traffic control device to be installed at the intersection of County P.oads 2b and 31. Upon motion made by Chairman P•ahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED to request the Dal~ota County Board to tale the action at their next meeting or as soon as possible on the fallowing: i. A four way stop at Pilot Knob P.oad and Lone Oalc P.oad. 2. A speed control of ~~0 miles per hour along school crossing signs on Pilot Knob P.oad. Upon motion by Chairman P.ahn, seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was P.T±SOLVED to request a speed control of 40 miles per hour on Pilot I;nob Road. Such request to be through the County Board to the Minnesota Highway Department. There teas no Fire Department business. Mr. Bill Branch appeared on behal~` of the Utility Department and requested authority to purchase three new car radios for the town vehicles at an estimated cost of $700 to $800 each and the hiring of two or three part-time workmen to help out temporarily in the parlc areas for a period of about a month. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was RESOLVED that Superintendent Branch be, and he hereby is, authorized to purchase three new car radios at an estimated cost of $700 to $800 each for tocanship vehicles and to hire two or three part-time laborers temporarily for a period of one month at the rate of $2.50 per hour. Barbara Schmidt appeared on behalf of Parlc Committee business and announced that bids had been taken for lighting for hockey rinks and play areas as part of the park improvement program. The Town Engineer announced tf-at the low bid for the park improvements according to the schedule attached had been received from Corrigan Electric Co. in the amount of $22,SE1.00 and recommended that the bid be awarded to such low bidder. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it c•~as P.ESOLVED that tEie low bid received from Corrigan Electric Co. in the amount of $22,561.00 for park light- ing improvements be, and the same hereby is, approved and the contract ordered awarded to Corrigan Electric Co. in that amount. Chairman Rah~t next convened the continued public hearing regarding Public Improvement Project No. 101, sewer and water services to the Leriay Lalce area in Section 10-27-23. The revised project cost for sec•~er, water and restor- ation was $122,600 to be assessed at $19.70 per front foot. Approximately ten residents appeared, generally in opposition to the public improvement. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the proposal for Public Improvement Project No. 101 be, and the same hereby is, denied. -2- Chairman P~ahn then convened the public hearing conczrning the exten- sion of public utilities to the United States Postal Service building proposed for construction, Improvement Project No. 104. l~r. Jim Goering appeared on behalf of the Postal Service, and after considerable discussion the hearing was declared closed and it was informally agreed that the representative of the Postal Service and the Tocon Engineer would continue to try to work out the details of the utilities to service the new postal building. Mr. H. J. Rothfork appeared in behalf of his application for a vari- ance to grant him access along Blackhawlc Road. After discussion, the applican" withdrew his application. 2Ir. Jim Shaw representing Naegele Sign Company appeared on behalf of its application fora steel billboard 12' x 25' at an estimated cost of $1,500 to be located at Highway ~~13 near County Road ,'r~30. Upon motion made by Super- visor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, ft was RESOLVED that the sign permit application and application for special use permit therefor be, and the same hereby is, denied on the grounds of safety ar_d aesthetic consider- ations taken into account by the Board. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman I'.ahn, it was RESOLVED that the application of Dalcota County Electric Association to rezone from A, Agricultural, to P, Public Facilities, and for special use permit and building permit to construct an electric utility substation on a one acre parcel near the Northwest corner of the interjection of Yankee Doodle Road and Lexington Avenue be set for public hearing on October 3, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. The application of Carl Case, 540 County P.oad ;fi30, for a special use permit to operate a business in his home and garage was presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion made -~- by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Pydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the special use permit be, and hereby is, granted to operate a light repair business out of his garage, permit to be renewed yearly. There was no appearance by representatives of the Hi-Site Corporation with reference to proposed park donation funds and Chairman Rahn thereupon rescheduled the matter for the September 19, 1972, regular Board meeting. T••ir. Edward Fasula appeared on behalf of his application fora specia? use permit to construct and operate a gol~r driving range in Section 34-27-23. It was noted that the application had been recommended for approval by the Advisory Planning Committee. Upon motion made by Su;.~ervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that a special use permit to construct and operate a golf driving range in Section 34-27-23 be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered granted. The matter of consideration of Board membership in IV.O.I.S.E. was briefly considered by the Board. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it w4s RESOLVED that further consideration of the matter be tabled indefinitely. The Town Cleric submitted a draft of a letter for submission to the N:etropolitan Sewer Board and the Metropolitan Council regarding proposed Sewer Board charges against the Town of Eagan. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman F~ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the letter as pre-~ rented be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and ad;,~;ted as corrected and the Clerk was directed to forward copies thereof to the Metropolitan Sewer Board, the Metropolitan Council and to Nir. Marvin Borgelt. The Town Clerk reported to the Board that all electrical utility companies consolidate electrical lines on the same side of all highways and roads in Eagan on a dual transmission pole basis. Upon motion made by Supervisor - 4- Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was P.ESOI.VED that the recom- mendation of the Advisory Planning Committee in this regard be, and the same hereby is, approved and adopted and that hence~orth the Town Engineer and Supervisor of Utilities are directed to maintain this policy with the installa- tion of all future electrical lines in the Town. The Town Cleric reported that the job description to be prepared for the job of Town Assessment Cleric was received from ivIr. Katzenmaier. The matter raas continued until the September 19th Board meeting. Upon motion by Super- visor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, the Board authorized the Clerk to advertise in the local paper and also contact an employment agency regarding the hiring of an Assessment Clerk. The Town Engineer reported that bids had been received on Project 82, Phase 2, water and sewer service to Surrey Heights Second Addition and that the low bidder was Austin T. I:elle-r Construction Company in the amount of $53,043, according to the schedule of bids attached. The Town Engineer recommended awarding the bid to the low bidder. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor P.ydrych, it was RESOLVED that the low bidder, Austin T. Keller Construction Company ott Project No. 82, Phase 2, water and sewer service to Surrey Heights Second Addition in the amount of $SE,043 be, and it hereby is, duly awarded the contract for construction of said project. The Town Engineer next reported that bids had been received for Project 100A and that the low bidder was Fischer Construction Company in the amount of $34,b74 for street improvements according to the schedule attached. The Town Engineer recommended accepting the low bid. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, aye Uselmann, it was P~ESOL'VI;P that the low bidder Fischer Construction Company in the amount of $4,674 for _ _ _. 5- street improvements relating to Project 100A be, and the same hereby is, awarded to the low bidder, Tischer Construction Company, for the amount of $~<<, G74. Police Chief t~iartin DesLauriers regLested further consideration of the recommendation of the Da%ota County Traffic Engineer for sharing the cost of traffic signals at County P~oad x'-30 and Cedar Avenue South. It was noted the matter had previously been considered on August 23rd at a special Board meeting and was continued until this meeting. The estimated cost of the Tom's share was estimated to be about $10,000. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann anti seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the e~>penditure be, and the same hereby is, approved in the amount of $10,000 as I;agan's share of the cost of appropriate traffic signals at County Poad X30 and Cedar Avenue South.p t t~-sae~ . ;;~ . ~ Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman ?;ahn, aye supervisor iydrych, it ~~~a;, IESOLVED that the contract covering Project Y~tos. 79 and 65A involving Dietro Engineering, Inc. and P.ichard Knutson, Inc. be, and the same hereby are, approved as presented and ordered executed. The Town Attorney presented his opinion regarding the proposal or tha Dalcota County Housing ~: Redevelopment Authority for low cost housing. The Cleric presented a revised resolution which the Town Attorney approved as to form. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Uupervisor I~ydyrch, it was RESOLVED that the revised resolution as presented by the Cleric favoring cooperation in low cost and elderly housing in Eagan Township through the Dakota County Housing & P~edevelopment Authority be, and the same hereby is, approved as presented. The Town Attorney then presented his opinion regarding procedures for -6- the upcoming incorporation which were discussed at length with the Board. Mr. Richard LeYiay appeared to protest the holding of hot rod races at Univac par[cing lot on County P~oad ~~31. Upon motion made by Chairman P.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was PESO?~VED that the Chief of Police be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to contact Univac by letter requesting the cessation of all future hot rod races in the parking lot on the grounds of disturbin; the peace. Residents appeared to protest the grading and dirt removal from the l~auenhorst Industrial Par[c aster 6:00 P.li. Chairman P.ahn directed the Chief os Police to contact the contractor doing the gradin and order them to comply with the appropriate ordinances. The Town Clerlc advised the Board that Y~Ir. Tom '~laite, owner of Lalte~ide Estates which is currently being developed, had tailed to execute and provide the Town ~~Jith appropriate development contract and performance bond and suggested that no further building permits be issued until such time as these documents have been prepared and received e<~ecuted by the developer. Chairman i,ahn directed the Town Attorney to contact fir. iiaite to advise him. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman I:ahn, it teas RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and she hereby is, authorized and dir ected to secure computer cenCer judges for the xorthcoming primary and general elections at $2.00 per hour. The Town Clerlc noted for the Board that in a previous application L-y Elmer Scott for a gravel pit permit to excavate in Section 2~:~-27-23 the appli- cation and agreement cited the property as being zoned I-1, Light Industrial, t•~hen it fact it is zoned A, Agricultural. Chairman Rahn directed the Town Fa torney to write a letter clarifying this matter for Mr. Scott so that he ~,ras not under the misapprehension his property had been rezoned. -7- Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor ':ydrych, all bi11s were approved as presented and ordered paid pursuant to wa_~rant ~1=326I through ;;290 and ~r1119 throu;h ;'1129. Upon motion made and seconded, the meetin; adjourned. Gated; September 5, 1972 ""_ ~¢-~ ,i~-~~ n -v-