02/10/2009 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITYCOUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM – EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, and Hansen. Councilmember Tilley was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Administrative Intern Kline, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Parks and Recreation Director Seydell-Johnson, City Planner Ridley, and Communications Director Garrison. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Maguire called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hedges requested the Council consider an addition to the agenda to discuss the number of off sale liquor licenses that exist within Eagan. Mayor Maguire moved; Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adopt the agenda with the one addition. Aye: 4, Nay: 0 Mayor Maguire reiterated the reasoning for adding the off sale liquor license item to the agenda. Maguire further spoke about the two separate issues that are to be discussed at the meeting and to keep these issues separate from each other. Mayor Maguire also gave a brief synopsis of the current situation surrounding these agenda items. II. DISCUSSION OF THE NUMBER OF OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSES City Administrator Hedges introduced the item by providing a brief history regarding the number of off sale liquor licenses that have existed in Eagan and the current license position. Administrator Hedges noted that there have been limits to the number of licenses in the past but currently the City has no caps on the number of licenses. Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke gave a more in depth history of off sale liquor licenses that included the 2004 study of alternatives to limit the number of licenses. Public comments about the number of off sale liquor licenses regarded the per capita number of liquor licenses in surrounding cities and the observation that Eagan was particularly high in number relative to the other cities. There were further comments suggesting that a cap should be implemented again to regulate the number of licenses. Discussion also occurred around the idea that the regulations placed upon license holders has created a market that is less free than that of other retail businesses i.e. liquor stores can only stay open until 8 pm. Special City Council Minutes February 10, 2009 Page 2 The City Council discussed the number of off sale liquor licenses and answered public questions regarding the topic. The Council clarified the purpose for adding this item to the agenda noting that there were two separate issues that needed discussion: number of stores and the separation requirements. No action was taken on the item related to the number of stores. IIA. LIQUOR LICENSE SEPERATION REQUIREMENTS City Administrator Hedges introduced the liquor license separation requirements agenda item by providing background information. Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke and Community Development Director Hohenstein provided further history of the agenda item. He noted that the ordinance currently provides for 200’ separations between special use properties and licensed liquor establishments, with the qualification that no separation is required between special uses and establishments licensed for off-sale 3.2 beer. Public comments were heard regarding the need for greater separation distances, a request for more public notification of changes to the ordinance regarding liquor license regulations, and requests for no change to the current ordinance. There was also public discussion on how planned developments were able to accommodate liquor stores within the boundaries of the development. The City Council answered the questions/concerns raised by the public comments and proceeded to discuss the public policy considerations outlined in the agenda packet. 1.The City Council was not compelled to propose changes to City Code regarding this consideration. 2.The City Council discussed the possibility of further clarifying the separation requirement that covers outdoor activities at food and beverage businesses, including liquor establishments. 3.The City Council identified the current measurement techniques for separation requirements as acceptable with some additional clarification. 4.The City Council was not compelled to change the current separation ordinance in regards to uses that are separated by major roadways. 5.The City Council discussed the discretionary element of the City Code regarding liquor licensing and determined that there would be no changes (beyond clarification) to the Code at the current time. The City Council identified some minor concerns that may be cause for further study of the current liquor license ordinance. However, no significant change is planned for the liquor licensing in Eagan. No action was taken on the item. III. OPTIONS FOR CIVIC ARENA WEST FLOOR City Administrator Hedges introduced the item. Parks and Recreation Director Seydell- Johnson provided background on the annual repairs that have been required to the arena floor and the potential for a prolonged period of no ice at the arena. Special City Council Minutes February 10, 2009 Page 3 The City Council discussed the primary possibilities of financing the installation of a new floor. Consensus was that the City would continue doing repairs in the hope that the floor held up until 2018. The current bond for the civic arena ends at that time and the City would then be in a better financial position to replace the floor. The Council did identify the possibility of catastrophic losses in regards to the inability to make ice for the arena. If such instances come to fruition, then immediate replacement of the floor would be a priority. IV. REVIEW 2009-2010 CITYGOALS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item and provided a handout with proposed changes from City Council members regarding each of the goals. Hedges provided a brief background on the goals for the upcoming year. The City Council discussed the changes to the goals and arrived at a consensus on how the goals should read. Council provided direction to staff on the changes and will formally consider the goals as modified at the March 3, 2009 Council meeting. V. OTHER BUSINESS City Administrator Hedges inquired to the City Council about lobbying the Congressional Delegation to have the community park included in the stimulus package. City Council consensus was to take no action regarding a lobbying effort. IV. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. V. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 p.m. Aye: 4, Nay: 0