11/27/1990 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING EAGAN CITY COUNCIL November 27, 1990 Eagan, Minnesota A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, November 27,1990, at 5:30 p.m. in the lunch room of the Municipal Center Building. Those present were Mayor Egan, City Councilmembers Gustafson, McCrea, Pawlenty and Wachter. Also present were Dale Runkle, Director of Community Development, Jim Sturm, City Planner, Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works, Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer, Mike Dougherty, City Attorney's office, Gene VanOverbeke, Director of Finance and Tom Hedges, City Administrator. Mayor Egan convened the meeting and stated that the purpose of the work session was to meet jointly with the Advisory Planning Commission and welcomed those members present including Chair person Gary Graves and Commission members Ron Voracek, Mark Miller, John Gorman, Donald Hoeft and Joyce Staeheli. It was acknowledged that Commission members Lori Trygg and Scott Merkley were absent. Mayor Egan invited members of the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council to discuss policies, ordinances or any specific issues that both the City Council and Advisory Planning Commission have considered during 1990 or plan to consider in the future. There were a number of discussion topics introduced by both Advisory Planning Commission members and the City Council. The first item discussed was an update of the R-4 study and it was generally the feeling of the Advisory Planning Commission members that the City Council and Planning Commission are working together on all facets of the study with the exception of those parcels that have incurred legal challenges. Commission members spoke to the voting dynamics of the Koldt Properties' rezoning which the City Council did respond to by explaining their fact fording by touring a project in St. Louis Park, considerable testimony and an in -depth analysis of the development proposal. Chair person Graves stated that the Advisory Planning Commission's main emphasis is to work and concentrate on the zoning map and comprehensive guide plan. He further stated the importance to prioritize redevelopment by creating redevelopment districts using the Cedarvale area as an example. Commission members spoke of the importance of establishing redevelopment criteria and emphasized that standards should be flexible allowing certain conditions to be relaxed occasionally to enhance business retention. Commission member Miller stated that he has heard in advance of a Commission meeting that the City Council might be leaning a certain way on an agenda item and expressed that the Planning Commission should look at each issue independently and provide findings to the City Council for their review. Mayor Egan stated that he was not aware of the City Council contacting or influencing members of the Advisory Planning Commission on any agenda items or issues they are studying as an advisory commission to the City Council. The issue of the Tom Thumb variance to allow canopies and gasoline pumps at Yankee Square Shopping Center was also discussed. There was concern raised by members of the Advisory Planning Commission that certain businesses were not contacted about the City Council meeting and, as a result, were not present when the item was presented by Federal Land Company and action taken by the City Council. The Advisory Planning Commission agreed that the public should be informed as to when each item the Advisory Planning Commission considers will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. Page 2 /Special Council Meeting November 27, 1990 Other topics that were discussed jointly by the City Council and members of the Planning Commission were outside retail sales such as Super America stations and the installation of exit signs on the freeways that would identify certain services that are available within the community. November 27, 1990 Dated STORM WATER UTILITY BUDGET City Administrator Hedges presented the proposed 1991 storm water utility budget stating that a great deal of planning went into this public enterprise fund given the fact that calendar year 1991 is the first full budget cycle for the new storm water drainage program. He stated that there are certain start up costs that relate to the first year of operations and, further, that the goal of the 1991 budget was to realocate certain operating costs in the general fund to the new storm water drainage fund. There were questions raised by the City Council on the proposed $25 surcharge to new building permits and the capital which includes a boat, motor and trailer and vehicle. City Administrator Hedges stated that the capital equipment relates directly to the start up costs and explained reasons the equipment was budgeted for 1991. City Councilmembers further discussed the proposed S25 surcharge and asked that the Director of Public Works and City Administrator consider expanding the surcharge to include grading permits. There was no final decision as to whether the $25 surcharge should apply to all building permits, each lot with new plats, and /or grading permits. The surcharge is a revenue source used to offset street sweeping costs incurred by the City as a direct result of cleaning up debris on city streets caused by residential, commercial, and industrial construction. The City Administrator stated that the proposed surcharge would be further discussed with the Director of Community Development with a recommendation forthcoming to the City Council. The City Administrator also reviewed a summary of the Five Year Capital Improvements Program, additional language that expands the purpose and source of community investment funds and other topics relative to the 1991 budget and Five Year Capital Improvements Program. There is no official action or direction given or required on any of these items. The City Administrator stated that the staff will provide additional information for City Council review as it pertains to both the five year CIP and Community Investment Fund. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. TLH 1